Ecology publications by year

2020 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2000 | 1999

PDF link

Hoare, R. (2020). The moths of Mt Te Aroha: A summary. Landcare Research report, 11 pgs. Auckland: CMER.

DOI Link not yet available

Pomeranz J.P., Thompson R., Poisot T. & Harding, J.S. (in review, 2018). Inferring predator-prey interactions in food webs. Submitted to Methods in Ecology and Evolution, March 2018. DOI Link not yet available.

Pomeranz, J.P.F., Warburton, H.J. & Harding, J.S. (accepted July 2018). Anthropogenic mining alters macroinvertebrate size spectrum in streams. Freshwater Biology. In press, online in advance of print.

Rufaut, C.G., Craw, D., Law, S. & Druzbicka, J. (2018). Conservation of saline patches in Central Otago needs better recognition of physical processes to secure future habitats. New Zealand Journal of Botany, 56: 115-126.

Conference presentations

Pomeranz, J., Thompson, R., Poisot, T., Warburton, H. & Harding, J. (2018). Acid mine drainage and freshwater food webs: Inferring predator-prey interactions and stability in size structured communities. Ecological Society of America, New Orleans.


Craw, D. & Rufaut, C. (2017). Geochemical and mineralogical controls on mine tailings rehabilitation and vegetation, Otago Schist, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 60, 176-187.

Simcock, R. & Cavanagh, J. (2017). Assessing rehabilitated land post-mining using a field-based score card. AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference: Christchurch, pp. 263-269.

Conference presentations

Simcock, R. C. & Cavanagh, J. C. (2017). Rehabilitation of New Zealand carnivorous snail habitat after coal mining: a 10 year review. Ecological Society of America Annual Conference, August 6-11, Portland, Oregon, USA.

Special Edition of Mine Water and the Environment: Mine Water Research in New Zealand, Volume 34, Issue 4, December 2015

Druzbicka, J., Rufaut, C. & Craw, D. (2015). Evaporative Mine Water Controls on Natural Revegetation of Placer Gold Mines, Southern New Zealand, Mine Water Research in New Zealand, Vol 34, Iss 4, Pgs 375-387. ISSN: 1025-9112 (Print) 1616-1068 (Online)

Rufaut, C., Craw, D. & Foley, A. (2015). Mitigation of Acid Mine Drainage via a Revegetation Programme in a Closed Coal Mine in Southern New Zealand, Mine Water Research in New Zealand, Vol 34, Iss 4, Pgs 464-477. ISSN: 1025-9112 (Print) 1616-1068 (Online)

Other 2015 papers:

Law, S., Rufaut, C. & Craw, D. (2015). Geological controls on natural halophyte revegetation at a Placer Gold Mine, Otago. AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference, Dunedin, pp. 211-220.


Jellyman, P. & Harding, J.S. (2014). Variable survival across low pH gradients in freshwater fish species. Journal of Fish Biology, Vol 85, Iss 5, pgs 1746–1752, November 2014. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.12497

Schowe, K.A. & Harding, J.S. (2014). Development of two diatom-based indices: a biotic and a multimetric index for assessing AMD impacts in New Zealand streams. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 48: 163-176. DOI:10.1080/00288330.2013.852113


Hogsden, K.L. & Harding, J.S. (2013). Isotopic metrics as a tool for assessing the effects of mine pollution on stream food webs. Ecological Indicators 36: 339-347. DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2013.08.003

Hogsden, K.L. & Harding, J.S. (2013). Leaf breakdown, detrital resources, and food webs in streams affected by mine drainage. Hydrobiologia 716: 59-73. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-013-1544-3

Hogsden, K.L., Winterbourn, M.J. & Harding, J.S. (2013). Do food quantity and quality change in streams affected by acid mine drainage? Marine & Freshwater Research 64: 1112-1122. DOI: 10.1071/MF13016

Niyogi, D., Harding, J.S. & Simon, K. (2013). Organic matter breakdown as a measure of stream health in New Zealand streams affected by acid mine drainage. Ecological Indicators 24: 510-517. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2012.08.003

Schowe, K.A., Harding, J.S. & Broady, P.A. (2013). Diatom community response to an acid mine drainage gradient. Hydrobiologia 705: 147-158. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-012-1391-7


Gray, P.D. & Harding, J.S. (2012). Acid Mine Drainage Index (AMDI): a benthic invertebrate biotic index for assessing coal mining impacts in New Zealand streams. New Zealand Journal of Marine & Freshwater 46: 335-352. DOI: 10.1080/00288330.2012.663764

Hogsden, K.L. & Harding, J.S. (2012). Anthropogenic and natural sources of acidity and metals and their influence on the structure of stream food webs. Environmental Pollution 162: 466-474. DOI:10.1016/j.envpol.2011.10.024

Hogsden, K.L. & Harding, J.S. (2012). Consequences of acid mine drainage for the structure and function of benthic stream communities: a review. Freshwater Science 31: 108-120. DOI:


Greig, H. S., Niyogi, D. K., Hogsden, K. L., Jellyman, P. G. & Harding, J. S. (2010). Heavy metals: confounding factors in the response of New Zealand freshwater fish assemblages to natural and anthropogenic acidity. Science of the Total Environment 408 (2010) 3240–3250.

Rufaut, C., Clearwater, S. & Craw, D. (2010). Recolonisation and recovery of soil invertebrate assemblages at an inactive coal mine in southern New Zealand. New Zealand Natural Sciences 35: 17-30

Rufaut, C.G. & Craw, D. (2010). Geoecology of ecosystem recovery at an inactive coal mine site, New Zealand. Environmental Earth Science 60: 7, pp 1425-1437. DOI 10.1007/s12665-009-0278-z


Kitto, J. (2009). The application of ecological theory to the remediation of macroinvertebrate communities impacted by acid mine drainage. M.Sc thesis, 154pgs: University of Canterbury.

Lear, G., Niyogi, D., Harding, J., Dong, Y. & Lewis, G. (2009). Biofilm bacterial community structure in streams affected by acid mine drainage. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75: 3455-3460. DOI:10.1128/AEM.00274-09

Todd, A.J., Rufaut, C.G., Craw, D. & Begbie, M.A. (2009). Indigenous plant species establishment during rehabilitation of an opencast coal mine, South-East Otago, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Forest Science 39: 81-98.

Mine Drainage Management Fact Sheet Series

Fact Sheet 3: Using stream insects to predict the health of rivers with coal mine inputs (PDF 684KB)

Fact Sheet 5: Guidelines for Mine Rehabilitation in Westland  (PDF File, 308.4 KB)

Fact Sheet 6: Planning and agreeing rehabilitation to pasture (PDF File, 477.7 KB)

Fact Sheet 7: Implementing rehabilitation to pasture (PDF File, 585.8 KB)

Fact Sheet 8: Native vegetation (rehabilitating native ecosystems) (PDF File, 659.8 KB)


Bray, J. P., Broady, P. A., Niyogi, D. K. & Harding, J. S. (2008). Periphyton communities in New Zealand streams impacted by acid mine drainage. Marine and Freshwater Research, 2008, 59, 1084–1091

Harding, J. & Champeau, O. (2008). Can benthic invertebrates be used to predict impacts in streams with acid mine inputs? In: Newsletter of the Freshwater Ecology Research Group, August 2008. Christchurch: School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury

Harding, J., Bray, J. & Niyogi, D. (2008). Do algae grow in acid mine waters? In: Newsletter of the Freshwater Ecology Research Group, July 2008. Christchurch: School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury

O'Halloran, K., Cavanagh, J. & Harding, J. (2008). Response of a New Zealand mayfly (Deleatidum spp.) to acid mine drainage: Implications for mine remediation. In:Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Vol. 27:5, pp. 1135–1140


Bray, J. P. (2007). The ecology of algal assemblages across a gradient of acid mine drainage stress on the West Coast, South Island, New Zealand. M.Sc thesis, 105pgs: University of Canterbury.

Bray, J., Broady, P. & Harding, J. (2007). Algae as indicators of mine drainage impacts on the West Coast, South Island, New Zealand. NZ Freshwater Sciences Conference. Rotorua: Verum Group Ltd. (Link to abstract).

Niyogi, D. K. & Harding, J. S. (2007). Coal mine drainage: Complex effects on streams. The NZWWA Journal. (Nov. 2007) pp. 50-53.

Novis P. M. & Harding, J. S. (2007). Extreme acidophiles: Freshwater algae associated with acid mine drainage. In: Algae and Cyanobacteria in Extreme Environments. Seckbach, Joseph (Ed.). ISBN 978-1-4020-6112-7.


Harding, J. (2006). Benthic stream communities in naturally and anthropogenically acidified streams on the West Coast of New Zealand. North American Benthological Society Conference. Anchorage:North American Benthological Society.

Rufaut, C.G., Hammitt, S., Craw, D. & Clearwater, S.G. (2006). Plant and invertebrate assemblages on waste rock at Wangaloa coal mine, Otago, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 30: 3, 311-319.


Barnden, A. (2005). Ecology of streams affected by iron precipitates and iron floculants. M.Sc thesis. Christchurch: University of Canterbury.

Barnden, A. & Harding, J. (2005). Shredders and leaf breakdown in streams polluted by coal mining in the South Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Natural Sciences, v. 30, p. 35-48.

Buxton, R. P., Stanley, J., Alspach, P., Morgan, C. & Ross, C. (2005). Mosses and other early colonizers: pioneers for revegetating mine waste rock dumps and rock walls. Paper presented at: National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, Breckenridge CO, June, 19-23 2005. Colorado: American Society of Mining and Reclamation, Lexington.

Harding, J.S. (2005). Impacts of metals and mining on stream communities. In: Moore, T.A., Black, A., Centeno, J.A., Harding, J.S., & Trumm, D.A. (Eds.). Metal contaminants in New Zealand: Sources, treatments, and effects on ecology and human health. p. 343-359. Christchurch: Resolutionz Press.


Black, A., Craw, D., Youngson, J.H. & Karubaba, J. (2004). Natural recovery rates of a river system impacted by mine tailing discharge: Shag River, East Otago, New Zealand. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 84: 21-34. DOI:10.1016/j.gexplo.2004.02.002

Simcock, R., Ross, C. & Pizey, M. (2004). Rehabilitation of alluvial gold and open-cast coal mines: 1904 to 2004. In: Proceedings of the AusIMM New Zealand Branch 37th Annual Conference, Nelson. Pp. 77–82.


Ross, C., Buxton, R., Stanley, J., Alspach, P. & Morgan, C. (2003). Revegetation of steep batters of mine rock dumps using pioneer plants. In: Environmental management using soil-plant systems. (Eds L D Currie, R B Stewart and C W N Anderson). Occasional Report No. 16. Fertilizer and Lime Research Centre, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. Pp. 160 -167.

Ross, C., Hogan, G., Ryan, M., Manhire, D. & Whiteley, S. (2003). Restoring the site: L&M Mining Limited Waikaka alluvial gold mining project, Southland. In: Opportunities for the New Zealand Mining and Metals Industry: Proceedings, AusIMM  New Zealand Branch 36th Annual Conference, Greymouth.


Ross, C., Simcock, R., Williams, P., Toft, R., Flynn, S., Birchfield, R. & Comesky, P. (2000). Salvage and direct transfer for accelerating restoration of native ecosystems on mine sites in New Zealand. In: Proceedings of the AusIMM New Zealand Branch 33rd Annual Conference, Wellington. Pp. 97–104.


Langer, E.R., Davis, M.R. & Ross, C.W. (1999). Rehabilitation of lowland indigenous forest after mining in Westland. Science for Conservation 117. Wellington, Department of Conservation. 41 p.

Simcock, R., Toft, R., Ross, C. & Flynn, S. (1999). A case study of the cost and effectiveness of a new technology for accelerating rehabilitation of native ecosystems. In: Proceedings, 24th Annual Minerals Council of Australia Environmental Workshop, 10–15 October 1999,Townsville. Dickson, Minerals Council of Australia. Pp. 234–251. Link not currently available, please contact Robyn Simcock.